CDC101: Assignment 2

Fully-Rendered Bargue Plate

Progress through these videos and overviews in the order listed, and complete the assignment. Repeat completing the assignment as needed until mastery is achieved.

CDC101: Lecture

Concepts of Shading

CDC101: Demonstration

Shading (part 1)

CDC101: Demonstration

Shading (part 2)

CDC101: Demonstration

Sharpening the Pencil

Overview of Concept:
Overview of Concept:
Overview of Process:
Sharpening the Pencil
Overview of Process:
Holding the Pencil
Overview of Process:
Stumping to Shade
Overview of Process:
Veiling to Shade

CDC101: Introduction to Assignment 2

Fully-Rendered Bargue Plate

Assignment 2

Fully-Rendered Bargue Plate

Working in the process presented, draw in willow charcoal and utilize methods of measurement to complete a Bargue envelope of lights and darks (a shadow map). Watch the lecture and demonstration of shading techniques (and read the Overview of Process on Shading), then shade the drawing.  The success of the assignment should be judged on accuracy, line quality, and cleanliness of the drawing.


We recommend repeating the assignment as many times as needed to achieve mastery before moving on to the next assignment.


For a Bargue Plate reference, you can Google “Charles Bargue Drawing Course PDF” to find access to PDF versions. Or you can buy the book from various online vendors. Print out a copy as large as possible to work from.


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