CDC101: Assignment 3

Fully-Rendered Plaster Cast

Progress through these videos and overviews in the order listed, and complete the assignment. Repeat completing the assignment as needed until mastery is achieved.

CDC101: Lecture

Sight-Size from Three Dimensions

CDC101: Demonstration

Sight-Size from Three Dimensions


Introduction to Assignment 3

CDC101: Demonstration

Fully-Rendered Plaster Cast (part 1)

CDC101: Demonstration

Fully-Rendered Plaster Cast (part 2)

CDC101: Demonstration

Fully-Rendered Plaster Cast (part 3)

CDC101: Demonstration

Fully-Rendered Plaster Cast (part 4)

Overview of Measuring:
Sight-Size from Three Dimensions
Overview of Concept:
Shape/Value/Edge Together

Assignment 3

Fully-Rendered Plaster Cast

Utilizing all methods and materials presented, execute a cast drawing. If possible, work from an actual cast instead of a reference photo.  If a cast can’t be found, spray painting an object white is acceptable. Scoring is based on the same criteria as Assignment 2. The bulk of the challenge with this assignment is modifying the sight-size method to accommodate a three-dimensional reference, including fine-tuning your posture and good habits of measuring. 


We recommend repeating the assignment as many times as needed to achieve mastery before moving on to the next class.


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