CDC201: Assignment 2
Drapery Cast Drawing
Progress through these videos and overviews in the order listed, and complete the assignment. Repeat completing the assignment as needed until mastery is achieved.
Introduction to Assignment 2
CDC201: Demonstration
Drapery Cast Drawing (part 1)
CDC201: Demonstration
Drapery Cast Drawing (part 2)
CDC201: Demonstration
Drapery Cast Drawing (part 3)
Assignment 2
Drapery Cast Drawing
Utilizing knowledge acquired in the lectures on shadow anatomy and on drapery folds, complete a drawing of a plaster cast drapery. You are expected to have a complete scheme, an accurate envelope, and a high degree of finish (of lights and darks). The finish created is expected to include details to produce the look of plaster.
Tip: A drapery plaster cast can be created by dipping a piece of fabric into plaster, shaping it in into the desired fold, and pinning it to a board. Once dry, the folds will retain their shape, allowing you an easier time relocating the still life setup as needed. If you don’t need to relocate your setup, producing a drawing from a (white) fabric fold (that is not covered in plaster) is encouraged. Attempt to produce as much detail and texture from the character of the fabric/plaster as possible in the final rendering stage.
We recommend repeating the assignment as many times as needed to achieve mastery before moving on to the next assignment.

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