CDC201: Assignment 3
Still Life Drawing
Progress through these videos and overviews in the order listed, and complete the assignment. Repeat completing the assignment as needed until mastery is achieved.
Introduction to Assignment 3
Assignment 3
Still Life Drawing
Utilizing knowledge acquired in the lectures on shadow anatomy and perspective, as well as knowledge acquired in LEC100, complete a still life drawing. Work in the methods and materials presented thus far, and you are now permitted to utilize toned paper as learned from the Vanderpoel drawings in LEC200. You are expected to have a complete scheme, an accurate envelope and a high degree of finish. If focusing on impressionistic or direct rendering, special attention must be made to portraying lighting effects and prioritizing the suggestion of detail (instead of literal rendering) while subduing superfluous detail.
Required objects:
- 1 organic (fruit, flowers, cloth, etc.)
- 1 geometric (book, cup, vase, etc.)
- 1 additional object
Perspective of the geometric object must be accurate.
We recommend repeating the assignment as many times as needed to achieve mastery before moving on to the next class.
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