CDC302: Assignment 2
Completed Figure Drawing
Progress through these videos and overviews in the order listed, and complete the assignment. Repeat completing the assignment as needed until mastery is achieved.
Introduction to Assignment 2
CDC302: Demonstration
Assignment 2 (part 1)
CDC302: Demonstration
Assignment 2 (part 2)
CDC302: Demonstration
Assignment 2 (part 3)
CDC302: Demonstration
Assignment 2 (part 4)
CDC302: Demonstration
Assignment 2 (part 5)
Assignment 2
Completed Figure Drawing
Work from a live model (hire a model or go to a local open studio).
Utilize the skills you have developed for working from a live model with accurate measuring to develop a completed multi-session figure drawing.
Recommended working time: 21+ hours
We recommend repeating the assignment as many times as needed to achieve mastery before moving on to the painting course.
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