CPC102: Assignment 3

Brightness vs. Lightness: more color or higher value?

Progress through these videos and overviews in the order listed, and complete the assignment. Repeat completing the assignment as needed until mastery is achieved.

CPC102: Assignment 3 Lecture

Brightness vs. Lightness: more color or higher value?

Concepts of Painting
Chroma vs Value

Assignment 3

Brightness vs. Lightness: more color or higher value?

Learn to observe when a subject is high value or just appears so because of its saturation. Read the information in Concepts of Painting: Chroma versus Value and watch the accompanying video for Assignment 3. Find a master painting, and desaturate the colors using a computer. Use this as your reference and complete a quick painting. Then, work from the original color-corrected (more chromatic) master painting, and modify the colors on your quick painting to create the same luminosity, without “chalky” or “washed-out” colors.


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