CPC102: Assignment 8
Warm and Cool
Progress through these videos and overviews in the order listed, and complete the assignment. Repeat completing the assignment as needed until mastery is achieved.
CPC102: Assignment 8 Lecture
Warm and Cool
Assignment 8
Warm and Cool
The most “theoretical” and rule-based lecture, this topic explores the idea of warm light/cool shadow and cool light/warm shadow situations. Read the information in Concepts of Painting: Color Temperature Relationships and watch the accompanying video. Learn when to apply the rule and to what degree, when to disregard the rule, and how to avoid letting the rule overpower the accuracy of the colors of a painting. Paint studies of a paper towel roll under varying lighting conditions, and pay special attention to the color temperature between the lights and the darks. For an additional challenge, paint the light side of the roll the same color in all paintings, then modify the shadows and backgrounds of each to produce the correct color temperature relationship analogous to the lighting condition observed.
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