CPC201: Assignment 2
Still Life
Progress through these videos and overviews in the order listed, and complete the assignment. Repeat completing the assignment as needed until mastery is achieved.
CPC201: Assignment 2 Introduction
Still Life
CPC201: Assignment 2 Demonstration
Still Life (part 1)
CPC201: Assignment 2 Demonstration
Still Life (part 2)
CPC201: Assignment 2 Demonstration
Still Life (part 3)
Assignment 2
Still Life
This assignment expands your practice to a full color still life. Complete a still life of good design, with no stipulation on number of objects. Begin by selecting a size between 9x12” and 12x16”. Work in the method of the master being studied, and utilize brush application to achieve the same stylization. A limited palette or full color palette may be selected, as long as the final colors are appropriate and believable. It is strongly recommended to base the content and composition after an artist whose finish and paint application is being studied, and refer to additional paintings by that artist during breaks. Attempt to achieve paint application that mimics the texture of the objects, when applicable.
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