CPC301: Assignment 5

Extended Portrait

Progress through these videos and overviews in the order listed, and complete the assignment. Repeat completing the assignment as needed until mastery is achieved.

CPC301: Assignment 5 Introduction

Extended Portrait

CPC301: Assignment 5 Demonstration

Extended Portrait (part 1)

CPC301: Assignment 5 Demonstration

Extended Portrait (part 2)

CPC301: Assignment 5 Demonstration

Extended Portrait (part 3)

Processes and Techniques used in this assignment:
Approaches to Painting
A Mix-and-Match

Assignment 5

Extended Portrait

Watch the accompanying video on the extended portrait assignment. Working in the methods of the master being studied, spend as long as necessary to paint a portrait to completion. Keep examples of portraits painted by the master on hand to refer to for composition, color, and paint application. Review Approaches to Painting: A Mix-and-Match to see the various processes to begin and finish a painting.


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Demonstration Reference