CPC301: Assignment 6
Alla Prima Portrait
Progress through these videos and overviews in the order listed, and complete the assignment. Repeat completing the assignment as needed until mastery is achieved.
CPC301: Assignment 6 Introduction
Alla Prima Portrait
CPC301: Assignment 6 Demonstration
Alla Prima Portrait
Assignment 6
Alla Prima Portrait
Conclude CPC301 by completing an alla prima portrait, using any layers necessary to create a successful painting. Work on a canvas between 8x10" and 12x16”. The color palette may be full or limited, but final colors must be believable. Watch the accompanying videos, and review Approaches to Painting: A Mix-and-Match to review different approaches to starting and finishing a painting. Remember that almost all portrait artists (even indirect painters) have examples of portraits completed alla prima. Seek out these examples to serve as a guide.
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